
Pro-Hamas rioters throw Molotov Cocktails at Montreal Synagogue

The congregation’s Cantor and B’nai Brith Canada’s Quebec regional director Henry Topas detailed the “outrageous and appalling” discovery of the firebombs on the entrance door of the Synagogue. 

“This morning, we had been shocked to seek out the remnants of what seems to be a Molotov cocktail thrown on the entrance door,” . “That is outrageous and appalling.”

“We’re horrified that precisely one month to the day of the atrocities dedicated by Hamas, somebody tried to burn down our home of worship,” Topas stated. “We urge the authorities to research and arrest these liable for this violent act concentrating on our group.”

He stated the police had been referred to as instantly and items promptly dispatched to the scene. 

“We thank the SPVM and the Group Safety Community for all of the work they’ve been doing to maintain our group secure on this making an attempt time,” Topas stated.

Of their assertion B’nai Brith Canada stated Jewish Canadians comprise about 1% of the inhabitants and are the nation’s “most focused non secular minority,”

It cited “antisemitism accounting for 66.9% of all hate crimes in 2022.”

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